Dear Casa – Pueblito supporters and community,
Carl Melvin, President, and Bill Heffernan, Vice President and Co-Founder of Casa – Pueblito, recently returned from a visit to Nicaragua in February 2024.
Their visit was planned to coincide with a special event: the 20th anniversary of Hogar Luceros del Amanecer, our community partner in Camoapa (department of Boaco), held on February 10th. Carl and Bill, along with Nadine Jubb (Country Director) and Daniel Paredes (Agricultural consultant), were excited to attend!
The ceremony was uplifting. About 500 students and family members from the three schools served by Hogar partook in the games and celebrations. Hogar’s dance troupe performed, as well as a professional group from Managua. A trio from the Son de las Segovias orchestra – a project of the Christine King Cooperative – played Nicaraguan folk music.
Many of the students served by Hogar attended, accompanied by a family member.
We shared a special feast afterwards at the Bosque Verde farm and nursery. That evening, the Casa – Pueblito contingent had a lovely dinner with Sebastián and Aleyda. Some of our community partners also attended: Huellas de Paz, Christine King Cooperative, and the Gloria Quintanilla Women's Cooperative. These are some of the organizations that do exchanges with Hogar. [See our Fall 2023 newsletter for an article on partner exchanges.]
Casa – Pueblito with some of our community partners in Camoapa, February 2024. Standing (L-R): Irene Suarez, Carl Melvin, Lola Esquivel, Bill Heffernan, Nadine Jubb, Daniel Paredes, Luisa Solorzano, Sebastian Rodriguez. Kneeling (L-R): Jaime Torres, Aleyda Rios
Caption: Rachel Greenwood, Co-Founder of Hogar Luceros del Amanecer, presents Carl Melvin with a plaque
The Hogar Luceros del Amanecer dancers pose for some well-deserved applause.
¡Felicidades, Hogar Luceros del Amanecer!
You can find more information about our 2024 visit in the upcoming Spring Newsletter.
Please also find out more information about our work and our partners on our website.
We also accept tax-deductible donations at our website here.
In solidarity,
Bill and Nadine
Co-Founder and Vice-President; Country Director