Date: Sunday November 17th Where: Shoxs Saloon & Sports Bar
2827 Dundas West (at Keele)
Time: Doors and Seating at 5pm Game Time: 6pm
Plenty of Green P Parking behind, Metered Street Parking in Front
Easy access on TTC
Wheelchair accessible- first floor washrooms
Cost : $25, includes:
*complimentary bowl of chili * a $20 tax receipt
* Central Big Screen * 10 Surround TV’s
* 30 Door Prizes worth over $750 with entry
* 20 Silent Auction items available from $25-$250 in value
* a $10 Square Board Draw- $500 in prizes to the winners
Only 60 seats available by reservation - Act Now- first come, first served. Don’t get shut out. To those unable to attend due to distance, geography or simply other plans that day, why not be a part of it by purchasing a “ticket in absence” for $25 and receiving your $25 tax receipt. It’s all going to the same great cause, the continued support of our grass roots projects in some of the poorest yet proudest communities in Nicaragua and Guatemala.
Buy your tickets or make a donation through Canada Helps (receive your tax receipt as soon as the event ticket is purchased, or donation is made)